The humble beginning

Kalle Children's Clothing and Shoes was founded in 1971 by Jeanette Rossing in a small space located in Charlottenlund. Jeanette was only 22 years old and had just had her first child, Carl, whose name would later reveal itself as the reason the store was named Kalle. Jeanette Rossing was actually in the middle of her law studies, but her working life turned out to involve something completely different. As a new and young mother, she got the idea to open a small store that sold a small but carefully selected range of handmade clothes such as corduroy overalls, quilted outerwear, and patchwork balls, all produced in a workshop in Copenhagen.

After about a year, the store moved to a charming little space at Jægersborg Allé 5, where the store for the first time introduced foreign brands such as Petit Bateau and Cacharel. Petit Bateau's fantastic, classic, and iconic nightwear and underwear are, in particular, still an important part of the collection at Kalle Children's Clothing and are, in many ways, a unique brand even here more than 50 years later.
It was also in this store that Kalle Children's Clothing began to build its client base with many loyal customers, whose children and grandchildren now visit our large store at Jægersborg Allé 41. It is a great pleasure for all of us in the store to have had the opportunity to follow our customers and their families for now more than five decades.

One store becomes many

Kalle Children's Clothing & Shoes grew and opened another store on Ordrupvej in 1982, where the store's new Dutch brand Oilily moved over and gained more space in line with increasing demand. At the same time, Kirsten was hired as a store manager and is today still a valuable part of the Kalle family. Kirsten celebrated her 40th anniversary as a store employee at Kalle in 2022 and is very well-liked by our many kind customers.

In 1984, the third store opened in Lyngby, and a few years later, Jeanette decided to consolidate the three smaller stores into one large store at Jægersborg Allé 41, when the corner store at number 41, which had housed Merchant Lund for many years, became available.

Here, Kalle Children's Clothing & Shoes, as we know it today, opened with the eight beautiful, decorated, and inspiring windows, all of which were put together by Kalle's ever-faithful decorator, Susanne Wichmann. Susanne has been incredibly skillful over the years in creating the most fantastic windows, which both our customers and visitors to the Alléen have enjoyed exploring.

Consolidating everything under one roof turned out to be a very good decision. Now Kalle could offer the full range in a store with a combination of classic fashion brands mixed with new fashion trends - from baby to teenager - girl as boy - innerwear to outerwear - and from head to toe. All in all, a product range that many customers over the years have expressed their enthusiasm for.
In the following years, the selection became larger and broader, and more and more brands were added to the product range. We are proud that our international collaborations with the many fashion houses have lasted for so many years and can, as one of the few, tell the story about many of the brands the store carries today.

A family-run business

Jeanette's daughter, Signe Rossing, is actually a trained nurse but realized that her passion for the children's clothing industry and the shop, as well as its development, was taking over more and more. Therefore, Signe became a co-owner of the business in 2008, and together they have continued the ambition to offer customers the best selection within international children's fashion in a cozy, service-minded, and exclusive children's clothing universe.

Like many other stores, Signe and Jeanette have experienced an increasing interest and need for webshops in line with the digital development and therefore decided to launch Kalle Children's Clothing webshop in 2020, which now offers the entire store's product range. Shortly after the launch of the webshop, Signe's son Valdemar was hired as web manager and has played a significant role in bringing Kalle Children's Clothing & Shoes into the digital universe. Since the launch of the webshop, we have received positive feedback on our online universe from many new online customers as well as the store's existing customers who appreciate being able to view the store's selection online.

Our ambition and brand

Over the years, Kalle Kids' Clothes & Shoes has remained one of the leading stores offering the latest in international children's fashion. The store features a vast selection of international branded items for babies, children, and teenagers aged 0-18 years. Additionally, the store carries a curated range of baby equipment and nursery accessories, primarily sourced from French suppliers, alongside an extensive and exclusive gift selection. Our wide-ranging collection caters from infants to teenagers, covering basics to the newest fashion trends.

Kalle Kids' Clothes & Shoes aims to curate the best selection for customers in the realm of international children's fashion while delivering the best possible service, ensuring an exceptional shopping experience. Our store boasts experienced and well-trained staff dedicated to providing customers with peace of mind and personalized guidance in a welcoming atmosphere.
Moreover, we strive to extend this exceptional experience to our online shoppers and those contacting us via phone, email, etc.

With over 50 years of experience in European children's fashion—garnered through international trade shows and countless visits to fashion houses and designers across Europe—Kalle Kids' Clothes & Shoes possesses the insight and expertise needed to select products characterized by quality and aesthetics. Our offerings ensure satisfaction and longevity in use.

At Kalle Kids' Clothes & Shoes, customers are kept informed about new products and children's clothing brands through our newsletters and social media channels, so be sure to subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of this page and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Visit our store at Jægersborg Allé 41 in Charlottenlund or explore our webshop for inspiration from the season's best collections.


Kalle Børnetøj & Sko bliver stiftet

I 1971 bliver Kalle Børnetøj & Sko grundlagt af Jeanette Rossing i et lille lokale beliggende i Charlottenlund. Som nybagt og ung mor fik hun ideen at åbne en lille butik, der forhandlede et lille, men nøje udvalgt sortiment af hjemmesyet tøj såsom fløjls overalls, kviltet overtøj og patchwork bolde, der alt sammen blev produceret på en systue i København.

I de efterfølgende år udvider Jeanette ved først at åbne en butik på Ordrupvej og derefter i Lyngby. På Ordrupvej bliver Kirsten ansat som butikschef - det er med stolthed, at vi den dag i dag stadig kan fortælle, at hun fortsat er en del af butikken.


Butikkerne samles på Jægersborg Allé

Jeanette Rossing beslutter at samle de tre butikker i én stor butik på Jægersborg Allé 41.

Her åbnede det Kalle Børnetøj & Sko, som vi kender det i dag med de otte flotte, pyntede og inspirerende vinduer, der hele vejen igennem er sammensat af Kalles altid trofaste dekoratør, Susanne Wichmann.
På Jægersborg Allé blev de tre butikkers udvalg samlet til et stort - et udvalg som vores kunder siden da har udtrykt en stor begejstring for år efter år.


Signe bliver medejer

Jeanettes datter, Signe Rossing, var egentlig ved at uddanne sig til sygeplejerske, men måtte indse at passionen for børnetøjsbranchen og butikken samt dens udvikling overtog mere og mere. Efter at have arbejdet der ved siden af skolen og uddannelsen gennem sine ungdomsår bliver hun i 2008 medejer af Kalle Børnetøj & Sko


Et fantastisk online univers

Signe og Jeanette har som mange andre butikker oplevet en stigende interesse og behov for webshops i takt med den digitale udvikling og besluttede derfor at lancere Kalle Børnetøjs webshop i 2020, der nu tilbyder hele butikkens varesortiment.

Kun kort tid efter lanceringen af webshoppen blev Signes søn Valdemar ansat som webansvarlig og har haft stor andel i at føre Kalle Børnetøj & Sko ind i det digitale univers. Siden lanceringen af webshoppen har vi oplevet positiv feedback på vores online univers for de mange nytilkomne onlinekunder samt butikkens eksisterende kunder, der værdsætter at kunne se butikkens udvalg online.